Do you have trouble sleeping at night? It may be that there is too much light in your room or possibly dry air.
Here are some tips to promote better sleep:
1. Sleep in Complete Darkness.
It's s proven to be better for your health. You'll feel well rested if you sleep in total darkness. Cells in your body called hypothalamus, are those that respond to signals that indicate whether you see dark or light. The nerves are able to signal to the brain that it is morning time which means it’s time to get out of bed! Moreover, the amount of light in your room determines how much melatonin is produced by your body. The darker your room, the better. Melatonin is a hormone that controls your sleep cycle. Natural production of melatonin helps the body to fall asleep at night.
2. No Screen Time:
Turn off your screens to create darkness and reduce stimulation.
3. Use a Humidifier.
If the heat is on in your house that means the air is getting dried out. Sleeping in a dry environment can be uncomfortable and wake you up from thirst in the middle of the night. A humidifier is a great regulator to provide healthy and comfortable air.
4. Use a CILQUE® Eye Mask:
CILQUE® eye masks are pure silk so they are extra gentle on your skin and they blackout all of the light, which help promote a deeper and longer sleep. Studies have proven sleep masks promote better sleep.
5. Exercise:
Even if its a brisk 10 minute walk, releasing endorphins during the day will help you get to sleep at night.
6. Home Decor:
Try adding elements to make your room as dark as possible. This may include dark curtains that stop natural light from coming through or drapes.
Sweet Dreams!
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